The media loves those stories about laboratory mice experiments that show promise of eradicating deadly diseases. Not a month goes by that I don’t hear about an exciting new discovery that that could potentially save lives.
So, I’m befuddled that the media and our law makers have not embraced e-cigs; a likely harm reduction technology that is showing amazing real world promise. Not just with mice or some test tube laboratory experiment.
Every year an estimated 443,000 Americans die prematurely from cigarettes or exposure to second hand smoke. Smoking is unquestionably the most preventable cause of death and disease in the U.S. Furthermore,nearly 200 billion dollars is spent annually on heath related expenses and lost worker productivity.
But wait..there’s a technology that will likely significantly minimize this grotesque number. Yet it seems as though many are demonizing e-cigs. It makes little sense considering the promising research and hundreds of thousands of positive real world user experiences reported worldwide.
The e-cig industry has surged to an estimated 2 billion in sales annually and the technology is being utilized by over 800,000 Americans.
Furthermore, independent studies conducted by Boston University, Drexel University, Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, and multiple credible sources are demonstrating their relative effectiveness and safety as compared to traditional analog cigarettes.
You would think that the media would be cheering and our government would be issuing subsidies by now. However, they seem to be doing just the opposite. Many are discrediting, banning, and even proposing sin taxes. It’s dumbfounding considering there’s minuscule evidence of reported harm after years of use. Laws are being written and overzealous
government officials are banning e-cigs based on fear and ignorance.
So why do I care? I have a passion for the industry, which led me to found one of the fastest growing e-commerce e-cig companies in the U.S. I’m a former executive, turned inventor and entrepreneur, who is living the American dream of owning my own business.
Just like our company, there are hundreds of businesses that are flourishing in the industry. We are expanding our warehouses, hiring new employees, paying taxes and contributing to our local economies. Additionally, I can tell you it’s been incredibly rewarding to interact with
customers who no longer smoke cigarettes. The stories are numerous and gratifying.
I implore our law makers to heed grievous and unfair taxation and to avoid bans based on misconceptions. I ask that the media to please take time to dig deeper and interview e-cig users, examine current research, and interview true industry experts. And please...let’s start embracing an industry that is creating jobs and could likely save more lives than any
medicine or technology developed in our lifetime!
Tim Campbell