Meet the Beasts - Sarah

For this week's "Meet the Beasts" you will get to know Sarah Lu...The Heartbreak Kid. Little Mrs. Lu, is one of our foremost geeks and the wind behind our sails. Sarah is an absolute joy to work with! She has an awesome attitude and is someone we can always count on. We love Sarah for her calm professional demeanor, laugh at life humor and outstanding work ethic!

Sarah takes pride in her job and makes sure all the important details are covered. For a growing company like VaporBeast, details really matter. Sarah is a big reason why our customers have so much confidence in us as a trustworthy and reliable supplier. Thank you Sarah!

She can always be counted on to make sure we’re running smoothly and coordinated with each other. Catch her snapping shots of products or just elevating the team around the office. We all couldn’t be happier that she’s helping to run the show and doing it with style.

Between vaping and working behind the scenes, she’s a dominant gamer and avid Ramen fan.

Be wary young vaper for you do not want to cross Lu. After learning the 4 Point Exploding Chop Stick Technique, no one in the office crosses her. Although uncertain, the team is almost positive Sarah is wanted in several countries around the world, only being known by the alias Chun-Lu. I never thought I would say this, but there is no way I will ever make fun of this delightful game enthusiast.