A few weeks ago I was giving a friend a ride to LAX airport. As we are both "car guys", we were discussing the variety of cars we spotted during our journey. After spotting a Lamborghini Aventador, the conversation turned to a hypothetical choice of having only one vehicle. What do you really require? Appearance, storage, comfort, fuel efficiency, etc...
By now you are asking yourself, 'what does this have to do with vaping?' We have to ask ourselves these same types of questions when choosing the device we want to use on a daily basis. And occasionally, here at VaporBeast, we are asked to assist a new vaper with making this decision.
The media loves those stories about laboratory mice experiments that show promise of eradicating deadly diseases. Not a month goes by that I don’t hear about an exciting new discovery that that could potentially save lives.
So, I’m befuddled that the media and our law makers have not embraced e-cigs; a likely harm reduction technology that is showing amazing real world promise. Not just with mice or some test tube laboratory experiment.
Every year an estimated 443,000 Americans die prematurely from...