VAPE U-Achieving Vape Space Success

Are you an avid Vaper? Have you always wanted to be your own boss? Well why not learn from our Industries finest to achieve your ultimate vaping goals.

You don’t need any skills or experience to become a vape space success. But you do need some basic training.

That’s Why We Created VAPE U.

Six one-hour online sessions expose you to the best of the best – the Masters of Vape – to help you avoid common pitfalls and reach for the sky!

The Vape Space has turned average Americans into millionaires. But there’s no guarantee of success. About one in five vape shops fail. Others are limping along and need to increase their profit margins.

Are You Ready to Become a Vape Space Master?

Developed by vape space pros, you’ll learn everything you need to be a success, whether you’re starting or running a brick and mortar vape shop, e-liquid brand or online store.

In development for over a year, VAPE U was developed by business experts after consulting with hundreds of vape space business owners.

What Are the Six Pillars to Vape Space Success?

The Six Pillars of Success are the foundation of your business.

We compiled a list of the most important business tenets you need to know to get your vape space business up and running profitably!

  1. Successful Business Strategies & Models: Businesses don’t fail; people fail. Step one is to understand how to use your strengths to build a successful business model.
  2. Branding & Competitive Positioning: What makes you and your business unique? Learn how to create a winning brand that focuses on your unique selling proposition.
  3. Product Selection: After helping dozens of vape space businesses open their doors, we know what sells and how to deliver what your customers want the most.
  4. Customer Acquisition, Retention and Service: The trinity of success. You’ll learn the tricks and tools for how to attract and build a loyal customer base. If you master this stage, you’ll master your business!
  5. Dealing with the Law: Next, you’ll learn what kind of licenses and permits are needed. Plus, the Big Bad Wolf – the FDA – is pounding on the door. We’ll help you understand the rules of the game so you’ll win.
  6. Social Media & PR: Learn the best practices in social media and marketing in the online world. Also learn how to use social media such as Instagram to put referrals on steroids.

BONUS SESSION: An exclusive MasterMind for VAPE U students. Collaborate and empower each other while sharing your stories.

Classes are held via webinar from 6-7 p.m. PST on Monday or Tuesday evenings between Feb.  2 and March 9.

A live Q&A will be held at the end of each session.

All sessions will be recorded and available to class participants.

Class I: Successful Business Strategies & Models

Mon., Feb. 2, 2015, 6-7 p.m. PST

The vape space is huge and offers lots of room and options for entrepreneurs. Is a brick and mortar or online store best for you?

How about starting your own line of e-liquids or vaping accessories?

This class explores different business models, the income potential, how much capital it takes to get started and where to find it. We’ll talk with several successful entrepreneurs to find out how they did it!

By the end of your first class, you’ll better understand your strengths and the business model that will work best for you.

Class II: Branding & Competitive Positioning

Mon, Feb. 9, 2015, 6-7 p.m. PST

There are several thousand vape shops all across the country and countless e-liquid brands. Yet only a handful are domineering the industry!

What are the “Masters of Vape” doing right and what can you learn from them? PLENTY!

After this class, you’ll understand how to create your unique brand and a competitive position that will enable you to crush your competition!

Class III: Product Selection

Tues., Feb. 17, 2015, 6-7 p.m. PST

With thousands of e-liquids and hundreds of devices on the market, which ones should you choose for your store? You don’t want to waste money on products that won’t sell.

And if you want to start an e-liquid company, what’s the quickest path to success? Should you work with a contract manufacturer or strike out on your own?

By the end of this session, you’ll know which products are key to your vape space success.

Class IV: Customer Acquisition, Retention and Service

Tues., Feb. 24, 2015, 6-7 p.m. PST

Opening a shop, developing an e-juice line and expecting people to flock to your doors is a pipe dream. But you CAN make it your reality if you do it right.

Finding clients, keeping clients and teaching them how to be loyal is part science and part art. The rules are amazingly simple but usually unknown, ignored or not followed.

By the end of this session, you’ll know how to create a marketing plan for your vape space business.

Class V: Dealing with the Law

Mon., March 2, 2015, 6-7 p.m. PST

Local government can shut you down faster than any other obstacle. And what about the FDA?

Understanding how the FDA will likely regulate our industry as well as the local regulations you’ll need to negotiate is crucial.

Class VI: Social Media & PR in the Vape Space

Mon., March 9, 2015, 6-7 p.m. PST

Digital marketing and using the core principles of SEO (search engine optimization) and online communications is critical, especially since vape space businesses can’t advertise.

Social media is one of the last expensive ways to market but it’s often underused or used improperly. In this session, you’ll learn how to use Instagram and other social media platforms to build your customer base.

Your Instructors Include:

  • Norm Bour, VapeMentors’ founder and chief business mentor, who’s been working with small businesses for over 35 years. He has dedicated himself to the vape space and learning the secrets of the Masters of Vape.
  • David Collins, California Vaping Company owner and successful entrepreneur who has launched and sold several million-dollar businesses.
  • Maria Verven, the Vaping Vamp and 30-year marketing veteran, who will teach you about marketing, P.R. and how to attract and retain loyal and profitable customers.
  • Raymond Yang, CEO of R2MediaHub, Social Media pros that have taken many business to prominent social media stardom.
  • Michael Guasch, CEO of from Molecule Labs and one of the true Masters of Vape. Molecule Labs is the number one developer of e-liquids for major e-liquid brands.
  • Grimm Green: Top rated YouTube reviewer since 2009 and one of the true icons of product selection and reviewer with hundreds of videos and millions of views.
  • Bud Hochberg, entrepreneur, founder of Liquid Vapor Outlets and an expert in customer service and displays.
  • Matt Longley, CEO of Ecig Media and Ecig Advanced, training on how to develop online programs and affiliate networks.
  • VaporBeast, Vapor Beast, wholesale distributor doing in excess of $10M annual sales.
  • Other instructor names will be announced prior to launch